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Events / Other festivals and celebrations

The International Festival of Advertisement “The Red Apple”

18 - 19 september, 2014, Moscow

The International festival of advertisement “The Red Apple” takes place at one of the most innovative sites of Moscow – Digital October.

This year “The Red Apple” represents a whirlpool of changes, the most open site for large-scale creative communication. It provides the inspiration, continuous interaction, exchange of thoughts and ideas. Exactly in the educational programme of “The Red Apple” their concentration will be the utmost.

The renowned leaders of the world creativity will encourage to create. Those are, at first, the members of international jury, each of them has won, averagely, seven Cannes Lions, and produced iconic significant works in the advertising industry.

In addition, at the festival prominent star speakers from Russia will take floor. Such as Andrey Boltenko – the director and writer of the script for the opening and closing ceremony of Sochi Olympics 2014. He will tell how the world's major show of the year has been created.

Sergey Kapkov will raise the issue of "Cultural codes of the capital", Maxim Krongauz is going to try to find out whether social networks would kill the art of telling stories while Leonid Feygin will dwell upon the subject of humor convertibility under modern reality. Also at “The Red Apple” the issues of "Time trouble", "Businesses of the Future", "Why is human affected by fashion?", "The Future of Money", "Crowdsourcing and Society" and other issues will be discussed.

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11:09:31 0 C (0 F)
Region: Moscow
City: Moscow
Venue: Digital October
Phone: (495) 783 65 39